
How do we decide what to do? Resting-state connectivity patterns and components of self-generated thought linked to the development of more concrete personal goals.

ΤίτλοςHow do we decide what to do? Resting-state connectivity patterns and components of self-generated thought linked to the development of more concrete personal goals.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsMedea, B., Karapanagiotidis T., Konishi M., Ottaviani C., Margulies D., Bernasconi A., Bernasconi N., Bernhardt B. C., Jefferies E., & Smallwood J.
JournalExp Brain Res
Date Published2018 Sep

Human cognition is not limited to the available environmental input but can consider realities that are different to the here and now. We describe the cognitive states and neural processes linked to the refinement of descriptions of personal goals. When personal goals became concrete, participants reported greater thoughts about the self and the future during mind-wandering. This pattern was not observed for descriptions of TV programmes. Connectivity analysis of participants who underwent a resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging scan revealed neural traits associated with this pattern. Strong hippocampal connectivity with ventromedial pre-frontal cortex was common to better-specified descriptions of goals and TV programmes, while connectivity between hippocampus and the pre-supplementary motor area was associated with individuals whose goals were initially abstract but became more concrete over the course of the experiment. We conclude that self-generated cognition that arises during the mind-wandering state can allow goals to be refined, and this depends on neural systems anchored in the hippocampus.

Alternate JournalExp Brain Res
PubMed ID27443852
PubMed Central IDPMC6096705
Grant ListSEMBIND - 283530 / / European Research Council / International
MOP-57840 / / Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction /
BB/J006963/1 / / Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council / United Kingdom
103817/Z/14/Z / / Wellcome Trust (GB) /
R305A110277 / / Office of Education (US) /
Post doctoral fellowship / / Canadian Institute for Health Research /
Prospective Psychology Stage 2 / / John Templeton Foundation (US) /
MOP-123520 / / Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CA) /
283530 / / European Research Council / International


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