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An interactive framework for whole-brain maps at cellular resolution.

TitleAn interactive framework for whole-brain maps at cellular resolution.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsFürth, D., Vaissière T., Tzortzi O., Xuan Y., Märtin A., Lazaridis I., Spigolon G., Fisone G., Tomer R., Deisseroth K., Carlén M., Miller C. A., Rumbaugh G., & Meletis K.
JournalNat Neurosci
Date Published2018 Jan

To deconstruct the architecture and function of brain circuits, it is necessary to generate maps of neuronal connectivity and activity on a whole-brain scale. New methods now enable large-scale mapping of the mouse brain at cellular and subcellular resolution. We developed a framework to automatically annotate, analyze, visualize and easily share whole-brain data at cellular resolution, based on a scale-invariant, interactive mouse brain atlas. This framework enables connectivity and mapping projects in individual laboratories and across imaging platforms, as well as multiplexed quantitative information on the molecular identity of single neurons. As a proof of concept, we generated a comparative connectivity map of five major neuron types in the corticostriatal circuit, as well as an activity-based map to identify hubs mediating the behavioral effects of cocaine. Thus, this computational framework provides the necessary tools to generate brain maps that integrate data from connectivity, neuron identity and function.

Alternate JournalNat. Neurosci.
PubMed ID29203898
PubMed Central IDPMC5994773
Grant ListR21 DA036376 / DA / NIDA NIH HHS / United States
R21 MH109795 / MH / NIMH NIH HHS / United States


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