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Optimal freeze cycle length for renal cryotherapy.

TitleOptimal freeze cycle length for renal cryotherapy.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsYoung, J. Lee, Khanifar E., Narula N., Ortiz-Vanderdys C. Gerardo, Kolla S. Babu, Pick D. Lowell, Sountoulides P. George, Kaufmann O. Grau, Osann K. Elizabeth, Huynh V. Buu, Kaplan A. Geoffrey, Andrade L. Aurora, Louie M. Ken, McDougall E. Marguerita, & Clayman R. Victor
JournalJ Urol
Date Published2011 Jul
KeywordsAnimals, Cryosurgery, Female, Nephrectomy, Swine, Time Factors

PURPOSE: To our knowledge the optimal freeze cycle length in renal cryotherapy is unknown. Ten-minute time based freeze cycles were compared to temperature based freeze cycles to -20C.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Laparoscopic renal cryotherapy was performed on 16 swine. Time based trials consisted of a double 10-minute freeze separated by a 5-minute thaw. Temperature based trials were double cycles of 1, 5 or 10-minute freeze initiated after 1 of 4 sensors indicated -20C. A 5-minute active thaw was used between freeze cycles. Control trials consisted of cryoneedle placement for 25 minutes without freeze or thaw. Viability staining and histological analysis were done.RESULTS: There was no difference in cellular necrosis between any of the temperature based freeze cycles (p = 0.1). Time based freeze cycles showed more nuclear pyknosis, indicative of necrosis, than the 3 experimental freeze cycles for the renal cortex (p = 0.05) but not for the renal medulla (p = 0.61). Mean time to -20C for freeze cycle 1 was 19 minutes 10 seconds (range 9 to 46 minutes). In 4 of 21 trials (19%) -20C was never attained despite freezing for 25 to 63 minutes.CONCLUSIONS: There was no difference in immediate cellular necrosis among double 1, 5 or 10-minute freeze cycles. Cellular necrosis was evident on histological analysis for trials in which -20C was attained and in freeze cycles based on time alone. With a standard 10-minute cryoablation period most treated parenchyma 1 cm from the probe never attained -20C. Cell death appeared to occur at temperatures warmer than -20C during renal cryotherapy.

Alternate JournalJ Urol
PubMed ID21600606
PubMed Central IDPMC4041687
Grant ListP30 CA062203 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States


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