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Lung cancer induced from chemotherapy a 20 years old case.

TitleLung cancer induced from chemotherapy a 20 years old case.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsSapalidis, K., Laskou S., Amaniti A., Mantalovas S., Giannakidis D., Koulouris C., Karapantzos I., Karapantzou C., Mponiou K., Tsiouda T., Konstantinou F., Kougioumtzi I., Katsikogiannis N., Sardeli C., Gogakos A., Schizas N., Domeyer P., Zarogoulidis P., & Kesisoglou I.
JournalRespir Med Case Rep
Date Published2018

Lung cancer is diagnosed at a late stage although we have novel diagnostic tools. The association of smoking and other environmental factors are well known. However; there are cases where a malignancy is associated with previous radiation treatment. There is an association between radiotherapy treatment and cancer incidence. We present a case where lung cancer and laryngeal cancer was induced 20 years after radiation therapy of a hogkin lymphoma.

Alternate JournalRespir Med Case Rep
PubMed ID29977753
PubMed Central IDPMC6010615


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