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Network analysis with biological data of cancer patients: A scoping review

TitleNetwork analysis with biological data of cancer patients: A scoping review
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsKosvyra, A., Ntzioni E., & Chouvarda I.
JournalJournal of Biomedical Informatics
Date PublishedJan-08-2021


Background & Objective
Network Analysis (NA) is a mathematical method that allows exploring relations between units and representing them as a graph. Although NA was initially related to social sciences, the past two decades was introduced in Bioinformatics. The recent growth of the networks' use in biological data analysis reveals the need to further investigate this area. In this work, we attempt to identify the use of NA with biological data, and specifically: (a) what types of data are used and whether they are integrated or not, (b) what is the purpose of this analysis, predictive or descriptive, and (c) the outcome of such analyses, specifically in cancer diseases.

Methods & Materials
The literature review was conducted on two databases, PubMed & IEEE, and was restricted to journal articles of the last decade (January 2010 - December 2019). At a first level, all articles were screened by title and abstract, and at a second level the screening was conducted by reading the full text article, following the predefined inclusion & exclusion criteria leading to 131 articles of interest. A table was created with the information of interest and was used for the classification of the articles. The articles were initially classified to analysis studies and studies that propose a new algorithm or methodology. Each one of these categories was further screened by the following clustering criteria: (a) data used, (b) study purpose, (c) study outcome. Specifically for the studies proposing a new algorithm, the novelty presented in each one was detected.

& Conclusions: In the past five years researchers are focusing on creating new algorithms and methodologies to enhance this field. The articles' classification revealed that only 25% of the analyses are integrating multi-omics data, although 50% of the new algorithms developed follow this integrative direction. Moreover, only 20% of the analyses and 10% of the newly developed methodologies have a predictive purpose. Regarding the result of the works reviewed, 75% of the studies focus on identifying, prognostic or not, gene signatures. Concluding, this review revealed the need for deploying predictive and multi-omics integrative algorithms and methodologies that can be used to enhance cancer diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.


Short TitleJournal of Biomedical Informatics


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