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The European Prescribing Exam: assessing whether European medical students can prescribe rationally and safely

TitleThe European Prescribing Exam: assessing whether European medical students can prescribe rationally and safely
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsDonker, E. M., Brinkman D. J., Richir M. C., Papaioannidou P., Likic R., Sanz E. J., Christiaens T., Costa J. N., De Ponti F., Böttiger Y., Kramers C., van Agtmael M. A., Tichelaar J., Donker E., Brinkman D., Tichelaar J., Richir M., Papaioannidou P., Likic R., Sanz E., Christiaens T., Costa J., De Ponti F., Böttiger Y., Kramers C., & Agtmael M.
Corporate AuthorsOn behalf of the Erasmus+ consortium EuroPE+ and the EACPT Education Working Group
JournalEuropean Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Date PublishedMar-03-2022
Short TitleEur J Clin Pharmacol


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