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Diagnostic biopsy of cutaneous melanoma, sentinel lymph node biopsy and indications for lymphadenectomy.

TitleDiagnostic biopsy of cutaneous melanoma, sentinel lymph node biopsy and indications for lymphadenectomy.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsPavlidis, E. T., & Pavlidis T. E.
JournalWorld J Clin Oncol
Date Published2022 Oct 24

The incidence of cutaneous melanoma appears to be increasing worldwide and this is attributed to solar radiation exposure. Early diagnosis is a challenging task. Any clinically suspected lesion must be assessed by complete diagnostic excision biopsy (margins 1-2 mm); however, there are other biopsy techniques that are less commonly used. Melanomas are characterized by Breslow thickness as thin (< 1 mm), intermediate (1-4 mm) and thick (> 4 mm). This thickness determines their biological behavior, therapy, prognosis and survival. If the biopsy is positive, a wide local excision (margins 1-2 cm) is finally performed. However, metastasis to regional lymph nodes is the most accurate prognostic determinant. Therefore, sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) for diagnosed melanoma plays a pivotal role in the management strategy. Complete lymph node clearance has undoubted advantages and is recommended in all cases of positive SLN biopsy. A PET-CT (positron emission tomography-computed tomography) scan is necessary for staging and follow-up after treatment. Novel targeted therapies and immunotherapies have shown improved outcomes in advanced cases.

Alternate JournalWorld J Clin Oncol
PubMed ID36337309
PubMed Central IDPMC9630995


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