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Position of the AI for Health Imaging (AI4HI) network on metadata models for imaging biobanksAbstract

TitlePosition of the AI for Health Imaging (AI4HI) network on metadata models for imaging biobanksAbstract
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsKondylakis, H., Ciarrocchi E., Cerda-Alberich L., Chouvarda I., Fromont L. A., Garcia-Aznar J. Manuel, Kalokyri V., Kosvyra A., Walker D., Yang G., & Neri E.
Corporate Authorsthe AI4HealthImaging Working Group on metadata models**
JournalEuropean Radiology Experimental
Date PublishedJan-12-2022

A huge amount of imaging data is becoming available worldwide and an incredible range of possible improvements can be provided by artificial intelligence algorithms in clinical care for diagnosis and decision support. In this context, it has become essential to properly manage and handle these medical images and to define which metadata have to be considered, in order for the images to provide their full potential. Metadata are additional data associated with the images, which provide a complete description of the image acquisition, curation, analysis, and of the relevant clinical variables associated with the images. Currently, several data models are available to describe one or more subcategories of metadata, but a unique, common, and standard data model capable of fully representing the heterogeneity of medical metadata has not been yet developed. This paper reports the state of the art on metadata models for medical imaging, the current limitations and further developments, and describes the strategy adopted by the Horizon 2020 “AI for Health Imaging” projects, which are all dedicated to the creation of imaging biobanks.

Short TitleEur Radiol Exp


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