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Altered cellular interactions between endothelial cells and nonenzymatically glucosylated laminin/type IV collagen

TitleAltered cellular interactions between endothelial cells and nonenzymatically glucosylated laminin/type IV collagen
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsCS, H., EC T., M B., & AS C.
JournalJ Biol Chem
Start Page12404
Date Published06/1992

Laminin and type IV collagen are two major basement membrane glycoproteins. In previous studies it has been shown that nonenzymatic glucosylation induces structural alterations of these macromolecules and also reduces their ability to self-associate. In the present study, endothelial cells were tested for their ability to adhere and spread on nonenzymatically glucosylated laminin and type IV collagen. Adhesion and spreading were reduced when glucosylated macromolecules were used as substrates. Glucosylation-induced changes in adhesion and spreading may be an important initial event signaling other phenotypic modifications of cells in the microvasculature and may be a crucial factor in order to understand the pathogenesis of diabetic microangiopathy at the molecular level.


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