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Altered Expression of TLR2 and TLR4 on Peripheral CD14+ Blood Monocytes in Children with Urinary Tract Infection.

TitleAltered Expression of TLR2 and TLR4 on Peripheral CD14+ Blood Monocytes in Children with Urinary Tract Infection.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsKarananou, P., Fleva A., Tramma D., Alataki A., Pavlitou-Tsiontsi A., Emporiadou-Peticopoulou M., & Papadopoulou-Alataki E.
JournalBiomed Res Int
Date Published2016
KeywordsAntigens, CD1, Child, Child, Preschool, Female, Gene Expression Regulation, Humans, Leukocytes, Mononuclear, Male, Reproducibility of Results, Sensitivity and Specificity, Toll-Like Receptor 2, Toll-Like Receptor 4, Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the second most common bacterial infection, after otitis media, in infants and children. The mechanisms of disease susceptibility and the role of immunity in the pathogenesis of UTI in children have been evaluated. In recent years, Toll-Like Receptors (TLRs) have been recognized as specific components of the innate immune system constituting important mediators in host immune recognition. The aim of the present study was to determine ΤLR2 and TLR4 expression during the acute phase of UTI in infants and children by measuring the CD14/TLR2 and CD14/TLR4 expression on monocytes. We also attempted to compare the TLRs expression with the immunological status of the patients to healthy children. The study group consisted of 60 children (36 females and 24 males) and the control group included 60 age-matched pediatric subjects (27 females and 33 males). In our study, no antibody deficiency was found either in the children with UTI or in healthy subjects. There might be a connection between low IgA, IgG, and IgG subclasses serum levels and UTI as there was a statistically significant difference between patients and healthy children. A higher expression of CD14/TLR2 was revealed in patients (90,07%) compared to controls (85,48%) as well as CD14/TLR4 in patients (90,53%) compared to controls (87,25%) (statistically significant difference, p < 0,05). The results of this study could provide new understanding of UTIs' pathogenesis in children.

Alternate JournalBiomed Res Int
PubMed ID27252945
PubMed Central IDPMC4871981


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