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Secretariat of the PPS "Applied Microbiology"

The Department of Medicine of the School of Health Sciences of the AUTH organizes and offers a Master's Program (MSC) entitled: " Applied Microbiology". The Program is an innovative interdisciplinary postgraduate program, which provides high scientific level theoretical and practical training in the field of the newest techniques applied in Medical Microbiology. It studies the application of modern biomedical technology in the laboratory diagnosis and monitoring of mainly infectious diseases. In particular, the purpose of the MSC. is to provide knowledge and skills to doctors who specialize or have specialized in Medical Biopathology, graduates of Medicine or other Departments of the Schools of Health Sciences and scientists of the wider Biomedical field, in the methodologies applied to the diagnosis and monitoring of mainly infectious diseases.
1st Laboratory of Microbiology
Building of Basic Sciences of the School of Medicine - 2nd floor
Aristotle's University of Thessaloniki Campus
54124, Thessaloniki



Secretariat of the School of Medicine


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